Scandinavian Journal of Occupational therapy, DOI: 10.1080/11038128.2018.1483427

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Mothers´experiences of their work as healthcare assistants for their chronic disabled child

Ranehov, L., & Håkansson, C.

Nio mödrar som även var personlig assistent till sitt barn med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar intervjuades. Barnen i studien var mellan 8–17 år. Studien visade att mammorna alltid behövde vara beredda på att vara till hands. De beskriver att deras egen hälsa påverkades, om svårigheter att assistera i olika sammanhang och miljöer på grund av deras barns behov av hjälpmedel. De beskriver att stödet från arbetsgivare är viktigt och att de upplevde att samhället i stort hade en bristande förståelse för deras arbetssituation. Arbetsbeskrivningarna var oklara och de arbetade ofta mer än heltid vilket påverkade mammornas egen vardag, dess aktivitetsbalans beskrivs som låg.



To the best of our knowledge, no research of the work situation of full-time, paid, parental healthcare assistants has been done


To examine how parents experienced their work as healthcare assistants for their chronic disabled child.


Semi-structured interviews based on the Work Environment Impact Scale (WEIS-S) were done with nine mothers who had a child aged 8-17 years old with a cognitive or/and physical chronic disability. Content analysis was used with the Model Of Human Occupation as a framework.


The studied mothers always needed to be stand-by for their child, and they highlighted physical and psychological health problems caused by their work situation. There were several difficulties working in different environments because of the child’s need of technical devices.

Further they described the support from their employers as important and in general the participants

perceived a lack of understanding about their work situation in the society.


The mothers in the present study had unclear job descriptions, they often worked more than full-time, and had low occupational balance.


Occupational therapists could improve the HC assistants’ work place focusing on the physical and psycho-social work environment as well as on their occupational balance.

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